Welcome to my tutorial

Training on Next generation sequencing

Here you can find a tutorials collection to support the course.

Welcome and introduction

Agenda, resources and other useful information

Enviroment installation

Command line preparation enviroment for our tutorial.


Quality control & Adapter trimming

Quality control & Adapter trimming.

Bioinformatics approach examples

We have many way to write our pipelines. Each approach have some problems. We need to use take in mind what we need to do.

RNA-Seq data analysis

RNA-seq data analyss with different approachs.

Call variants

Call variants.

Everything in a box. Docker and Galaxy

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Galaxy is available as Docker Image, an easy distributable full-fledged Galaxy installation. Finally, Galaxy supports running tools within Docker containers.

Authors and Contributors


I would like to say thank you to Gianmauro Cuccuru for the great help.


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